Modern Bride Emma Hoareau

We caught up with Beauty blogger and skincare expert @Emmahoareau to talk about what being a modern bride means to her and what she will be doing to ensure she feels as confident as possible on her wedding day.

What does being a modern bride mean to you?

For me being a modern bride is about having the freedom to choose for yourself, and not looking to others to confirm whether my choices are correct. Trusting myself and my partner's choices. I didn’t grow up dreaming of getting married or being a bride because when I was younger, I found it all too traditional and outdated as a concept.

It was only when I was dating my fiancé that I realised marriage could be about creating our own path – a new path that was right for us and what we wanted in life. So, for me the wedding day itself is the beginning of this and inviting out guests into our world for the day so that they can understand us better by meeting each other; all the people in our lives that have supported us on our journeys so far.

How did you and your partner meet?

We met six years ago at the pub, through a mutual friend who we had both gone to meet for a catch up.

Describe your dream wedding day in three words.

Joyful, beautiful, unforgettable.

What’s been the most exciting part of wedding planning so far?

Definitely all the mood boards, putting together images we love to create the vibe we want for the day is such a great activity and really opens your eye to the possibilities. I'm a very visual person so seeing it all come together and thinking of what I'd like to have really adds to the excitement!

What’s your favourite piece from the collection, why?

The Fern Mini dress! It’s funny how, when trying on dresses, I’m drawn to cuts I wouldn’t normally wear. But I think that’s what’s nice about it, you don’t want it to be the same as usual; it needs to stand out. I love how 60s this dress feels, and the ribbons on the shoulders add a playful edge.

Are there any wedding “rules” you’re choosing to rewrite?

For us it’s very much about showing our guests our world and the lives we have created for ourselves, so it’s more about what we are inviting into our lives and what’s to come rather than having to stick to any family traditions.

What’s one tradition you’re happily breaking?

Well, I might be wearing white but…

What are you going to do to make sure you feel as confident as possible on the big day?

For me confidence is a state of mind, so I’ll definitely be trying to keep my cool with mediations daily in the month prior! But also, beauty prep like a facial and manicure – which yes is outer beauty but for me feeling good on the outside helps me feel more polished and put together which means I feel confident from the inside too. It’s like giving yourself a boost in every possible way. I know having my best friends around me and just trusting it’s going to be a once in a lifetime day will make me feel great too.

Photography by @tilfrances